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May 16, 2023

betPawa thanks fans for success of inaugural People’s Cup

Africa-based sports gaming and technology brand betPawa has lauded football fans in the country for their support towards the inaugural People’s Cup, helping make the supporter-backed competition a success. 

betPawa, which runs sports development projects across the 11 African countries it operates in, joined the Matekane Group of companies and Econet in support of the competition. The final match was staged at a fully packed Setsoto Stadium, Maseru on Saturday 29th April. Bantu FC won the competition, taking home M200,000.

betPawa gave M330,660 to bolster the tournament, which is an initiative of the Lesotho Premier League management committee. 

“Sports without fans is nothing. It was an honour to be part of this project where the fans have a say in propelling their favourite teams forward. It was a highly competitive tournament geared towards improving football standards and engagement in the country,” said betPawa Managing Director, Africa, Ntoudi Mouyelo.

He added: “This year we have a lot of exciting sports projects lined up as we seek to harness the talent pool in Africa for the realisation of dreams of our budding and existing sports men and women.”

betPawa's support for African sport is motivated in part by the desire to help organisations and competitions recover following the struggles most teams and athletes have gone through after the Covid 19 pandemic that led to a global shutdown and stoppage of sports events. 

“We as MGC would like to thank betPawa for heading to the call to become supporters of the 2023 People’s Cup. Its donation helped to increase the prize money for the top four teams,” stated the firm. 

“We hope that the relationship between MGC and betPawa will be a long-lasting one that will be extended to other sporting events in the near future, which will also give a much-needed financial boost to sporting activities in the country.”

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