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Sep 1, 2023

betPawa and Tanzania's Traffic Police team up to train over 250 boda bodas in Dar on road safety

Over 250 boda-boda riders in Dar es Salaam region have benefited from a road safety education and awareness program offered by betPawa Tanzania in collaboration with the Police force, traffic division.

Dubbed ‘betPawa Boda-boda Road Safety Training’, the program is intended to complement the government's efforts in fighting against avoidable road accidents, especially involving boda-bodas, one of the most vulnerable groups to traffic accidents in the country. 

In her remarks during the opening session of the training workshop, betPawa’s Country Marketing Manager Borah Ndanyungu said according to published surveys boda bodas significantly contribute to the overall road traffic injuries in the country.citing lack of formal riding training and road safety education as among contributive factors.   

“Data shows Tanzania loses over 16,000 people annually and boda-boda related accidents account for the majority of road traffic injuries. As a result, it is important to provide education and awareness to this group on their role and responsibility in preventing traffic accidents. betPawa is proud to offer its support in this area,” she said.

The chairman of boda-boda riders in Dar es Salaam lamented the increase of boda boda accidents in the country, citing ignorance of road safety rules as one of the main reasons for the proliferation of accidents. 

“Lack of awareness of road safety rules is a problem for many drivers. We are grateful to betPawa and the Traffic Police for bringing to us this education that reminds us of what we have to do and observe when on the road” he said. 

The head of Road Safety Desk at Traffic Police SP Deus Sokoni applauded betPawa for organising the training workshop which he said had provided fresh impetus to promoting road safety in the country. 

“All of us, ranging from the police force, drivers, the community and other stakeholders have a responsibility to make our roads safe. I am happy to see that betPawa has organised this important education and awareness session.

 “Road traffic injuries cause considerable economic losses to individuals, their families and the nation as a whole. The losses arise from the cost of treatment as well as lost productivity for those killed or disabled by their injuries and for family members who need to take time off work or school to care for the injured,” he added. 


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